A survey of the culture and history of the Tohono O’odham from Pre-history up to the 1980’s. Includes an examination of the issues and events that have affected the lifestyle of the O’odham and how Spanish, Mexican, and American influence has impacted and shaped O’odham history and culture. Also includes an analysis of the available sources on the cultural and historical development of the Tohono O’odham.
Dr. Jacelle Ramon-Sauberan is Tohono O’odham and from the San Xavier District. She serves as faculty in the Tohono O’odham Studies Program at Tohono O’odham Community College. Ramon-Sauberan earned her PhD in American Indian Studies with a minor in Journalism at the University of Arizona in May 2023. Her research focuses on the history of land and water in the San Xavier District, and she has written for news publications across the US including Indian Country Today. Ramon-Sauberan is also a communication specialist for the National Science Foundation’s AURA/NOIRLab closely working with Kitt Peak National Observatory.
Course Format
Registered community members will meet with Professor Ramon-Sauberan for four live online sessions on the following Mondays from 4:30PM to 6 PM: September 11, 18, 25 and October 2.
Attendance & Participation
This course will be delivered via the University of Arizona Zoom platform. All class sessions will be LIVE ONLINE and will be recorded. The recordings will be shared with registered students after each session to facilitate access for those who cannot make the live sessions.
Refunds are available and need to be requested before the second class meeting (September 18, 2023). To drop a class, please contact Stephanie Noriega at 520-626-0626 or sbscommunitymatters@arizona.edu. A $25 administrative fee for each cancellation will apply.
Online registration for this course will open August 1, 2023 at 9 AM. After registration, participants will receive a receipt of registration. Subsequently, participants will receive class instructions 1 week before the start of the course.